Monday, May 14, 2012

No Title

You know what,
Lately i see all these quote's from "famous" or "well known" people.
It maybe my "negative" side peeking out.
Some may call it jealousy,
But most of these quotes of there's are about there "life experiences" or "views" and occasional "facts".

Now ill get this straight right here and now.
They all had to get to there attained position by whatever means hard work,luck,born into it (i.e. rich parents) etc.
But it appears at face value that these "life experiences" they are referring to came about after such stardom that the everyday people placed upon them for whatever means.
I'll admit I can/could be outright wrong.
But without said stardom would said "quotes" still be famous?
Or do we take the "quotes" as a value because the people are famous?
Because otherwise the "quotes" would be just words from some random person throughout history.

Now in the same light with being a "well known" or "famous" person,
That allows you to explore what your most happy with in your life with such ease and compassion, Allowing you to use your full potential to discover new and interesting things about whatever you choose, Without the worry of financial liability  that the "everyday joe" has to worry about.

I'm not saying that the "everyday joe" cannot do such things it just takes more time,
Sheer determination and rock solid will power will be needed to attain such a feat.

I just think it would be great that if everyone could take that same value of faith,belief or what not, That they instill in said quote and put in in themselves and hold onto it for as long as possible.

Then without being "well known" or "famous" you could attain the same level of enlightenment,happiness,clarity that they felt at the time.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Title At The End

I have a "beef"with this so called country and its ideals of "freedom" & "opportunity".
In the eyes of a common low to middle class citizen being born and raised here in the united states of america,
The ideals that once existed are no longer.
The only people that have that "freedom" & "opportunity" are people that are born into money or have "connections".
To have said "opportunity" you have to relinquish any idea of  "freedom" you possess.
By "opportunity" in this writers eyes means starting something of your own.
Something that puts a smile on your face, and not an everyday smile.
Something that make that fire inside ignite into something more, be it a passion for art,music etc.
In my young & inexperienced eyes, I do not see a government/country that is pro-active for the "every day joe" to be able to do such a thing.
This writing stems from and idea. An idea that brings me to a point in myself that I rarely see.
A point of happiness that I am constantly told that I will never obtain.
In its simple-lest form.
The idea does not stem from financial gain or greed.
The idea stems from an educational standpoint first and happiness next.
Money is the last thing on my mind when I think of this.
But it is not the way that this country or government that I live in.
Those listed above revolve around debt and debt alone and toss in some greed for good measure.
No growth, no education(which should be free to all) and no happiness.
Now i understand that education can be free to a point, Anyone can go and pick up a book and learn.
But its that ever so important piece of paper that we all paid multiple thousands of dollars for that strangle us for  the next good chunk of our lives.
Lets face it the way the world works today it all revolves mainly around that little $20.00 piece of paper with you name on it, And without it you are somewhat withheld from attaining all you can attain in this life.
You could have a person that is highly motivated and driven, Learning from the same book that the college person did and that non-college "educated" person would be a rare chance of being a hire in the "real world" today, even if the non "college"educated person had real world experience they would most likely not get picked for a job against that person with the $20.00 piece of paper with their name on it, I'd give it MAYBE a 60/40 chance of the non "college" educated person getting the job and I think I'm being gracious with that number.
To obtain said "opportunity" you have to commit yourself to a slave in this new world we live in now.
While you commit to this "opportunity" you lose your "freedom" to do anything in this world that could make you enjoy life and be happy, By "silencing" yourself in debt to a conglomerate.
In the state I live in the costs are so high for all things.
How is anyone so young supposed to start anything of their own in these times of the economy.
Any dreams of happiness are shutdown and damn near shattered.
We have to sacrifice our "happiness" our "freedom" for the illusion of the so called "Great American Dream".
Those times are gone I believe, In reference to the "Great American Dream".
We are a generation of debt consumers,
Not life consumers like our parents before us.
They were the last of a great generation where one could reach and obtain the "Great American Dream".
The house with the white picket fence,The small family owned business down the street.
The times that I'm sure were tough, But also the times when you could start something and call it......

                                                            "Your Own"