Sunday, January 1, 2012

Friends and family

So I had this thought pattern this morning about the people in your life.
How many friendships have you actually made yourself ? 
If you sit down and think about it it is probably only a few.
Now I can see people thinking this kid is a loser he only has a few friends .
Think of how you meet people to begin with .
Then think on how you meet more people because of that person you originally initiated a friendship with .
Now if you apply that, I'm willing to bet that the actual # is under 10.
Now I'm not saying that you are not friends with those associated people but the only reason you know them is because of another.

Now take that # of actuals and it is pretty much your extended family.

And with family situations,intrests and other circumstances occur in your life they are always there to back you in your time of need.

We have all been down that path in one way shape or form 

Think of any situation in your life recent or in the past 
Who knew about it or found out and consoled (?) You about it 
I can come up with 2 of my own 
Both are some what personal 
1. Was my cousins death which hit myself and my whole family by surprise.
But during this I observed and thought everything as I normally do.
Allthough my cousin is actual blood family I never really knew him as well as his friends did.
I only have brief yet awesome memories of him while I was visiting for holidays. 
Be this my own fault yes and I can't really correct it now.
As I sat there during the funeral I was in awe of everyone that came.
I was in more awe of those who were consistantly by my other cousins(his brother) and family side throughout this whole situation.
Stopping whatever was going on in there lives to help them no matter the effect on there lives.

To me that is one of the most meaningfull things that define a friendship in life .
Amongst the other things that occur regularly in your life. 

The imediate thought that went through my head was that this is there real family blood or not.
Call it selfish or whatever you want but this is my feeling throughout the whole situation and nothing will change that .

The other situation was involving only myself and I only told a few people what actually happend to me and what was said/done from the other party involved to myself.
And after hearing what happend at that moment I immediatly had 5 or so people ready to inflict pain and do a lil jail time if it got to that point.
Did anything ever happen? No because I didn't want it to 
The point of this is,
I hope to make anyone and everyone to realize who there true friends are.

No matter what happens they are there for you as family when your blood family is not.

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